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I am Natalie Ananda. This is a free yoga self-study site, a library for learning yoga from the beginning, created by International Open Yoga University. All materials here are free. Everything here is friendly and open.
On this site you will find more than 60 kinds, types and sections of yoga from the simplest to the most advanced and difficult to understand. This site also has a Yoga Blog, Yoga Forum and a link to free online yoga courses.
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- YOGA-ARTICLE: Yoga is the key to yourselfWhere does self-exploration begin? Many people start this journey by inquiring what their mission or destiny is. Some people discover their path immediately, for others it remains a secret for a long time. Guidance by other people impedes us from hearing our inner voice. There are many training courses on similar topics that help us …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Effective time managementWhere does our time fly? What do we spend time on? Why do we have only 24 hours in a day? Why do some events last forever and others rush by us in a blink? We ask these questions from time to time, but it does not seem easy to get the answers. Time is …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Parents and children from yoga point of viewSooner or later every person starts thinking about starting a family, having kids and raising a new generation. Many new parents ask themselves: How should they bring up their children and what kind of personal example can they demonstrate? What does Yoga offer in this respect? The questions of relationship, family issues, the advent of …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Parents and children from yoga point of view Read More »
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YOGA-ARTICLE: A little bit of yoga to make us happy Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Do yogis have to be vegetarians?Nowadays it is widely believed that before starting to practice yoga, a person must stop eating animal products and become a vegetarian. How much truth is in this statement? It is worth understanding. It is important to understand that Yoga does not control our every movement and does not impose any binding rules. Yoga makes …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Personal development in a society with high spiritual valuesHumans are social beings: they create groups and communicate with each other on a regular basis. We have different feelings in different groups: in one of them we may feel discomfort, and another group can become “a second family” for us. How should we choose a group according to our purpose of spiritual development? What …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Personal development in a society with high spiritual values Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Is it possible to lose weight by practicing Yoga?People start practicing yoga for different reasons. Some are looking for answers to spiritual questions; others are motivated by the desire to get into shape or to lose weight. When you choose yoga for losing weight, the following questions arise: “Is it possible to lose weight by practicing yoga? Is it necessary to become a …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Is it possible to lose weight by practicing Yoga? Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: How to live to the fullest?Human development nowadays is very fast. We have to perform a large variety of tasks, process a huge amount of information and try hard to succeed in different areas of our lives. It seems impossible to achieve all goals and objectives without forcing ourselves and without losing out on our health and happiness. Each of …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Can we solve many problems at the same time?In modern society, people are often faced with multitasking. Solving several problems at a time became normal and watching those, who succeed in being all over the place, we admire them and think, that it is effective. But is it right? What is multitasking? Where did this behavior pattern come from? Is it possible to …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Can we solve many problems at the same time? Read More »
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- YOGA-ARTICLE: Down with stress and fatigue!All of us have heard the phrase: “Motion is Life”. However, every day we have to sit behind a desk at school, at the university, in the office, or in the car. Considering a sedentary lifestyle, we need to compensate lack of motion for our well-being. In a vanity of everyday life many people are …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Egoism — a helper or an obstacle?What is it — our Ego? Is there a difference between “Ego” and “egoism”? What is a fine line between reasonable individualism and fanatical satisfying of Ego’s desires? How can we get rid of pandering to selfish desires? In our life we got used to taking ourselves as a personality with certain characteristics that distinguish …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Trust the Universe and it will show you the way!When we are born, we have to trust this world, represented by our mother and father, our relatives, the society in which we grow, and the country where we live. Growing up, we become strong and independent, renouncing everything that, in our opinion, restricts our freedom and everyone whose opinion is in contrary to ours. …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Trust the Universe and it will show you the way! Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: How to find our destiny in lifeEach of us is wondering what is our destiny. Some find the answer to this question in early childhood, while for others the decision comes not at once, but after years and years of searching. What does yoga say about the choices of life journey? In Indian philosophy there is a term “dharma”. The direct …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: In search of happiness with yogaProbably each person at least once in a lifetime wondered what happiness is and where it can be found. And at least once each of us was feeling happy. But you would find it difficult to describe this feeling in words. How can you explain something that is beyond any words or definitions? From the …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Feedback. Three things that impressed me at IOYUWhen I decided to study at IOYU, I didn’t have any clue what was waiting for me. We are familiar with the main approaches in the educational process from the early days of school and barely anything changes at a later stage. “Learning is just learning” – but this is so only at the first …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Feedback. Three things that impressed me at IOYU Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Restrain yourself today for a better tomorrowMany have probably heard about the amazing abilities of some yogis, who sometimes do things that seem strange and even absurd from the outside. Some sleep on nails; others starve themselves for several days or even weeks; the third ones retreat from society for a long time in search of solitude in caves. The truth …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Restrain yourself today for a better tomorrow Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Claim The Will and You Will Succeed!Many of us remember what it’s like to be a highschool graduate, someone has yet to get this experience. The first thing that graduates face on the threshold of a new stage of life is a genuine interest in what lies ahead?! There is curiosity and at the same time doubt, fear and anxiety. Only …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Claim The Will and You Will Succeed! Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Spiritual Evolution: Create Your Future TodayIn terms of evolution, the form of human life is the crown of creation and according to ancient treatises, the human body is a great chance for a spiritual breakthrough. What is the driving force behind the development of living beings: is it only natural selection and environmental conditions? What is spiritual evolution and how …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Spiritual Evolution: Create Your Future Today Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Moderate diet for the best yoga practiceThroughout life, we develop certain habits, including in the diet. As a rule, in the store we habitually buy a certain set of products, which we then eat, without thinking about the quality and quantity of what we have been eating. When we practice Yoga, it is very important for us to follow a moderate …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Moderate diet for the best yoga practice Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Nyasa Yoga. Experience of the world through touchingA person can live to an old age without vision, sense of smell or hearing, but even if all these sensory organs do not function, we shall still have one very important sense — a sense of touch. Many people do not pay due attention to tactual sensations. A person builds up his/her own world …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Nyasa Yoga. Experience of the world through touching Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Continued supportEveryone sooner or later asks whether there is something permanent in this world: something that will never go away? The body is aging, emotions replace one another, people come and go. Is there anything we can rely on? If there is something eternal, where can we find it? “A thief picks a pocket, old age …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: All purpose yoga practice for every dayThere is no accounting for tastes. However, the tastes themselves are not disregarded, and even among yogis can be found various preferences regarding practice. Someone will say that Hatha yoga is boring because of its static nature. There will definitely be those who do not like the repetitive movements of Kriya yoga, but someone, on …
YOGA-ARTICLE: All purpose yoga practice for every day Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: The agony of creation, its origin and deathRealizing a creative idea, quite often we are confronted with a situation where at first, everything goes “like clockwork”, and then at some point, we get stuck and can’t move forward. This state is sometimes called “the agony of creation”. Why does it happen? Why, in some cases, we can easily bring our ideas to …
YOGA-ARTICLE: The agony of creation, its origin and death Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Pregnancy is not an obstacle to yoga«Life is not born in a vacuum». There is nothing more important on Earth than life. Life is something that is passed down from parent to child, from tree to seed. Life binds us all together. And before a new life is born, there is a stage of preparation of all the conditions for it …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Pregnancy is not an obstacle to yoga Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: How to fill the “knowledge bowl” and not to spill it outYoga teaching is not just the knowledge of doing physical exercises, but also the whole layer of moral and ethical rules and laws of the Universe. When we attend hatha or kriya yoga classes we might want to learn how yoga works, and some of us may want to pass this teaching on to others. …
YOGA-ARTICLE: How to fill the “knowledge bowl” and not to spill it out Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: To get or not to get – make decisions consciously!We are constantly faced with the need to make choices throughout our lives. There are life-altering decisions like choice of a future profession, educational institution, place of work, career direction, or a life partner; as well as “no-brainers”: buying this or that thing, choosing your style, places where to spend your leisure time, food to …
YOGA-ARTICLE: To get or not to get – make decisions consciously! Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Yoga. Myths and RealityYoga has always been surrounded by a lot of mysteries. Nowadays there are not so many people who have a holistic view of this ancient teaching. In this article we tried to highlight the most common myths about yoga and people practicing it. Myth 1. Yoga is an Indian gymnastics First, a lot of scientists …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Through life with regular practice!Having received the first results from the practice of Yoga, we become interested in the mechanism of its impact on our state. However, not knowing in which direction to work, we can randomly perform actions for a long time that are not able to improve the practice and make it more effective. In order to …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Through life with regular practice! Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Cleanliness is a recipe to a successful practiceWe all know about the importance of keeping our body clean. But it is equally important to maintain the inner cleanliness. What does the cleanness of the inner Universe mean? What recommendations does yoga give for impurities elimination? A well-known proverb says “Cleanliness is godliness!” It can be paraphrased as “Cleanliness is a secret to …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Cleanliness is a recipe to a successful practice Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Trusting life is an essential part of yogaUnfamiliar situations force us to pay attention to ourselves and to concentrate on the problems. Having negative experience in the past we skeptically demonstrate distruction to new personal and situations. Our mind is activated and includes alertness, which helps us to avoid trouble. However, the ongoing mistrust of our environment becomes a big obstacle in …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Trusting life is an essential part of yoga Read More »
- First principle of Yoga
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Patanjali On the Obstacles In YogaOpen Yoga Journal In our lives, we often face a number of obstacles that prevent us from achieving our goals. In addition to the circumstances that we can not influence, there are those that are entirely dependent on us. It is in our power to manage our will, attention, effort, and time, and to make …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Patanjali On the Obstacles In Yoga Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Every gesture has a meaningОpen Yoga Journal One of the first manifestations of a human being in this world and one of the earliest ways of interaction with the Universe is a sound – the first cry of a baby, or child’s cooing, which translates into words and speech in the course of time. Every day we see and …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Caste system in modern lifeОpen Yoga Journal All of us have certain qualities that correspond with our perception of the world. Some like to work with their hands and make some useful things for other people. Others are capable of bringing a group of people together to achieve a common goal. They make excellent managers. Some of us are …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Harmony In Breathing Is Harmony In Life!Why do some people feel happy and others don’t? Some of us are strong, full of energy and luminous and others are passive, sluggish, dull and uninteresting. Why are some people successful in all matters and achieve their goals within a short time, and for others things fall apart, whatever they do? Why do some …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Harmony In Breathing Is Harmony In Life! Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Upgrade your yoga practiceHow to upgrade your personal yoga practice? The answer to this question was given by the sage Patanjali in the 2nd century BCE in his treatise “Yoga Sutras of Patanjali”. He picked out eight main limbs that a person should go through to achieve the state of yoga – the restraint of fluctuations of consciousness. …
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- TORSO / ТУЛОВИЩЕ (КОРПУС)Rotate your torsoВращаем корпусом Bend your torso to the left, then to the rightИзгибаем туловище влево, затем вправо Lean your torso forwardНаклоняем туловище вперёд Lower your torso to the legsОпускаем корпус к ногам Turn your torso to the sidesПоворачиваем корпус влево-вправо Lift your torsoПоднимаем туловище Turn your torso to the left (to the right)Разворачиваем корпус …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: The soul is in pain, but yoga will help!Have you ever felt pain, either physical or mental? Surely, each of us at least once in a lifetime had a feeling of physical or emotional discomfort of various degrees of severity. Have you ever wondered what exactly pain is? Where does it come from and is it possible to avoid it? We shall try …
YOGA-ARTICLE: The soul is in pain, but yoga will help! Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Life is everything!Life is the most important thing in the Universe. All living beings, from the simplest to the most complex, desire to bear life. They support life by giving birth and fostering a new generation of their own species. “If not for the source, the river would dry up.” A proverb The Universe, allowing us …